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Do you have a dream? This is the first day of my class at post graduate program. The most point that I love to record are some tips from the lecturers how to succeed in the master degree. They are: First, we must plan our study that we want to study on time. We must have a plan that we must finish our study two years unless we have to finance it ourselves. And I think every one has signed a letter that states that all the scholarship holders are to finish the study in two years. Does anyone know how to do it? Second, we must build students habits. All of us are teachers. At school we are teachers and always instruct students to do something. Here, we are not teachers but students so we must be ready in doing assignments given by the lectures. Forget our profession at our place who accustomed to giving orders to our students and be ready with the assignment given to us. Third, we must develop or stop our habits. In this way we must recognize the effect of every habit we have. if our h...


ALI MUTTAQIN SYURYANTO, S.Pd (MAN TANJUNG REDEB-KAB. BERAU) Sebulan terakhir ini semua orang di indonesia bahkan di seluruh dunia di suguhi suatu peristiwa di jagad pemerintahan dunia yaitu tentang pemilihan presiden Amerika Serikat, mulai dari kampanye John Mc Cain dari partai Republik dan Barrack Husein Obama dari partai Demokrat yang konon pernah tinggal di Indonesia bahkan pernah memeluk islam. Tak lain dan tak bukan bukan karena tidak ada alasan tapi karena mimpi para ’pengusung’--baca ’pemilih’ dapat berharap banyak pada warga kulit hitam pertama yang jadi presiden Amerika yang ke 44, tapi juga karena harapan banyak orang bahkan dunia karena kebosanan akan kecongkakan Negara adi daya Amerika yang lagi terkapar ekonominya karena kredit property yang macet. Bukan hanya masalah ekonomi tapi juga karena masalah perang di seluruh dunia mulai dari Iraq, Palestina, iran sampai Korea dan masih banyak lagi. Itu semua karena ada harapan adanya perubahan yang lebih baik dari seorang pemimpi...

A little thing to something: A note to a new tenant. Part 2

Well , because of job, study, or something you have to move to a new town. You cannot avoid it because if you do not want to move you cannot find your future i.e. you move because your office is far away from your country, town, or house. Or you are to do it because it is crucially important for you to move on. For instance you have to study out of town. Once, I was lucky enough to study in a cold and beautiful city at Malang, east Java because I got a scholarship. After competing with hundreds of competitors and accepted among few awardees I didn't want to quit my dream in getting a master program from University of Malang Then I moved there and of course rent a room. As I had to live alone in a such unfamiliar place, I had some deliberation like a quite place because I could not stay in noisy one, and I needed a cheap rent to adjust with my budget why I chose a rather-far away lodge to live in. Since the first day of my master program, I thought that I had to concentrate to...

A little thing to something: A note to a new tenant. Part 1

It is widely known and unquestionable that every human is a weak and helpless creature since a baby. He or she cannot do anything without the help of someone else and the surrounding. That is a small human creature and, of course, there is not any false thing to confront with. When she or he becomes bigger and bigger and becomes adult, he is to do anything sometimes with or without the presence of another then this causes someone becomes different with another. This all depends on where she or he comes from; from what kinds of family or environment background she or he has had before that create someone personality. Is it wrong if we have different personality with another one? Does it bother anyone with it? The answer is depends on we have in our own mind ourselves. If you think it does not bother anyone one may think it has nothing to so with someone else so you maintain on your own. Then one does not care to someone else because of selfishness. Is it? A little thing that a writer ...

Simple Breaking Ice (Breaking Es Sederhana)

GAMES SEDERHANA UNTUK BREAKING ICE GAME TENTANG KUKU, CUCU, SUSU, SAPI MINUM SUSU Guru bertanya dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut (a) apa yang ada dijari kita. (b) Anak dari anak kita namanya apa, (c) dan sapi minum apa? (Yang betul adalah anak sapi minum susu. Tapi kalu sapi ya minum air. PEMBAGIAN KELOMPOK UNTUK GAMES. A. MEMBUAT PERTANYAAN DAN JAWABAN DGN MENGAPA? B. MEMBUAT PERTANYAAN SAJA C. MEMBUAT PERTANYAAN DENGAN MENGAPA MENJAWAB PERTANYAAN DENGAN JAWABAN SALAH Guru meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan nama benda yang ditanyakan dengan jawaban yang salah, jumlah barang ada 4. tapi diakhir siswa ijebak dengan pertanyaan “berapa jumlah barang yang ditanya.” JIKA SPIDOL DIANGKAT TEPUK tangan DUA KALI JIKA SPIDOL DITURUNKAN TEPUK KAKI DUA KALi Breaking Hitungan: Buat aturan untuk hitungan angka kelipatan 2 harus mengucapkan Fizz, untuk kelipatan 5 mengucakan Buzz. Bermain Lidi. Ada ya...