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A little thing to something: A note to a new tenant. Part 2

Well , because of job, study, or something you have to move to a new town. You cannot avoid it because if you do not want to move you cannot find your future i.e. you move because your office is far away from your country, town, or house. Or you are to do it because it is crucially important for you to move on. For instance you have to study out of town.

Once, I was lucky enough to study in a cold and beautiful city at Malang, east Java because I got a scholarship. After competing with hundreds of competitors and accepted among few awardees I didn't want to quit my dream in getting a master program from University of Malang

Then I moved there and of course rent a room. As I had to live alone in a such unfamiliar place, I had some deliberation like a quite place because I could not stay in noisy one, and I needed a cheap rent to adjust with my budget why I chose a rather-far away lodge to live in.

Since the first day of my master program, I thought that I had to concentrate to my study that why I decided to save every energy the God blessed me for the good thing. So I never went around my new place because I felt sleepy and tired every time I went home from campus. And when I had time , I had to read books etc. I got many assignments to do from my lectures that I didn't have time to look around my lodge surroundings. Some that I had to do dealing with my subjects copying, going to the internet, and so on. At that time, I thought that I could only do them nearby my campus and all I had to do was going to campus and did anything around my campus whenever I got the assignment from my lectures. It was because I did not know and unfamiliar with my surrounding.

To my surprised, on one good chance I took a walk early down to see around my new place. There were so many places that I needed to my life. To mention a few, there were copy center, internet café, barber shop, travel agency, small super market, food shops, and even bus and taxi station.

Then I finally thought to myself, if I took a walk since the beginning of my observation of finding a new lodge, I could not have any troubles with my lectures assignment. So, why do not you take around whenever you are in a new place, you may get greater thing that you've never expected before.


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