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5. Reading

Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan


5. Reading

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, explanation, dan discussion


To respond meaning and rhetoric on essay in form of written texts accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily context and to get knowledge access in form of : narrative


- Students are able to guess the meaning of difficult word or phrases based on context.

- Students are able to find main idea of each paragraph.

- Students are able to find out supporting sentences of each paragraph.

- Students are able to make a series of events from the narrative text they have read.

- Students are able to get the message of the story they have read.

V. MATERIAL : Narrative text

(Taken from Linked to the World 3 from English Alive, Book 2)


Conditional sentences type 3:

(Something/activities in contrast in the past time)

If you had not dismissed me, I would have escorted you to the forest.

If I had escorted you, they would have offered me to the goddess.


If + S + had + V3, S + would have + 3

S + would have + 3 If + S + had + V3,



























send for







VIII. MEDIA/SOURCES : Hand out text

(Taken from Linked to the World 3 from English Alive, Book 2)

IX. METHOD/STRATEGY : Think-Pair-Share


1. Pre activities

· Deliver the objective of the lesson.

§ (Class, today we are going to study about ‘narrative text’).

· Deliver the topic of the lesson.

§ (The topic that we are going to study is ‘the king and the jester’).

2. Whilst activities.

· Ask the students to read the text quickly.

· Ask the students to find out difficult word/s or phrases and guess the meaning based on the context.

· (Please read the text quickly and find out the difficult word(s) or phrase(s) from the story!)

· Ask the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

(What is the main idea of paragraph ....?)

· Ask the students to find out supporting sentences of each paragraph.

(What sentences support the main idea ...?)

· Ask the students to match a series of events that has been given with the suitable paragraph from the text in group.

(In a group, please match the series of events with the suitable paragraph from the story!)

· Discuss the answer with the students.

· Ask the students to underline the conditional sentence from the text.

(Can you underline another example of conditional sentence from the story?)

· The teacher explains the meaning of the conditional sentence.

(Conditional sentences type III is an activity or situation which is contrasted with the real situation in the past).

· The teacher asks the students to make some examples of conditional sentence.

(Ok class, can you make other examples of conditional sentences type III).

3. Post activities.

· The teacher asks the students about the moral value that can be summarized from the text.

(Ok class, what can we learn from the story we have discussed?)

· The teacher asks the students if they have really understood of how to make a series of event from a narrative text.

(At the end of class, before I give you an assignment, are you sure that you are able to make a series of events from a narrative?)

· The teacher gives a different narrative text and asks them to make a series of event individually at home.

(Ok class, it is time for you to make a narrative text of your own at home and submit it next week).


· The teacher gives a different narrative text and asks them to make a series of event individually at home.

(Ok class, it is time for you to make a narrative text of your own at home and submit it next week).

· The teacher asks the students to complete the conditional sentence type III correctly.



o The teacher pays attention to the students while they are discussing the answer with their friends and answering the answer in front of the class.

o The teacher pays attention to the students in making conditional sentences.


o Students are able to make a series of event based the narrative text given.

o Students are able to complete the conditional sentence type III correctly.






Students are able to make a series of events that really reflects with the text given



Students are able to make a series of event that really reflects with the text given but they make a little mistake



Students are able to make a series of event that really reflects with the text given but they make more mistakes



Students are not able to make a series of event that really reflects with the text given because they make many mistakes that make the sentences cannot be understood


Tanjung Redeb, November 25, 2010.

English teacher,

Ali M. Syuryanto

NIP. 1969040803199701


Appendix 1

The King and the Jester

There once lived a king. There was a jester in his court. The king was so fond of him that he spent most of his time with him. Whenever he went, the jester always accompanied him.

One day, the king accidently cut off one of his fingers. He called his jester and showed his bleeding hand to the jester and exclaimed. To his surprised when he showed it to his jester the jester said that it was all for his best. Being unsatisfied with the answer and full of anger, he fired him out of the palace.

The jester felt sorry for what he had said. He asked apologized to the king and he begged for the king’s forgiveness again and again. But the king remained firm and the jester left the court.

After a few days, the king went out hunting all by himself. He hunted for a while and grew tired. While he was resting under a tree, suddently there appeared a gang of armed men.They were looking for a man to be offered as sacrifice. They were glad to find the king alone, weary and helpless. They were so many, and so strong that the king could no resist them. He gave himself up without a fight.

They noticed the king’s body carefull. “He seems to be just right. ”But let’s make sure that he is perfect. Nobody with physical defect can be sacrificed to our goddess.”They exclaimed the king and noticed that one of his fingers missing. “Leave the man,” said the leader. “He is not fit.” So the men released the king and the king went away thinking his good fortune.

As soon as the king returned to the palace, he sent for the jester. “I am sorry. I dismissed you,” said the king to the jester. “You were right. It was indeed for the best that my finger was cut off.” He narrated what had happened in the forest. “If my finger had not been cut off, they would have killed me,” he concluded.

The jester said, “If you had not dismissed me, I would have escorted you to the forest. If I had escorted you, they would have offered me to the goddess. It is all for the best, isn’t it?”

The king laughed heartily and gave him twenty gold coins.

(Taken from Linked to the World 3 from English Alive, Book 2)

Appendix 2

Match the series of event with the paragraph from the text!

1. (.........) There once lived a king who was accompanied by his jester.

2. (.........) The king was released because he was a defect man (Knowing that the king was a defect man, he was released).

3. (.........) The king went out hunting and met and was caught by an armed men who were looking for someone to be sacrificed to the goddes.

4. (..........) Having cut one one his fingers, he showed it to the jester. Being angry, the king dismissed the jester because the jester said it was for the best when the king lost one of his fingers.

5. (..........) The king went back to the castle and sent for the jester to stay in the castle again. The king acknowledged that it was for the best that he lost one of his fingers.

6. (..........) The jester asked apologized to the king but the king remained it so the jester left the kingdom.

7. (..........) There once lived a king who was accompanied by his jester.

Appendix 3

Answer key

1. (1)

2. (5)

3. (4)

4. (2)

5. (7)

6. (2)

7. (1)

Appendic 4

Read the text carefully and make a series of events based on the story on the boxes given!

A Bear and a Rabbit

Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use an arrow to a good advantage.

The bear was very unkind to the rabbit. Every morning, the bear would call over to the rabbit and ask the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and come with the bear to the other side of the hill.

The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear. The rabbit shot enough buffalo to satisfy the bear’s family. Indeed, he shot and killed so many that there was still lots of meat after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

However, the bear was so greedy and evil that he didn’t allow the rabbit to any of the meat. The poor rabbit couldn’t even taste the blood from the butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.

The bear was the father of five children. The youngest boy was very kind to the rabbit. Knowing that the youngest boy was a very kind hearty eater, the mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat. Instead of eating this extra meat, the youngest bear would take the meat outside and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit’s house, and when he got close to the door he would give the meat such a great kick that it would fly into the rabbit’s house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

(Taken from Look Ahead Book 3: 15)

Appendix 5

Complete the sentences below by using the correct form of Conditional Sentences type III.

1. If she ............................ (have) breakfast, she .......................... (feel) hungry.

2. If they ........................... (get up) earlier, they .................................. (not, come) late

3. If she ............................ (had) holiday, her parents .......................... (ask) her to go home.

4. The students ............................... (go home) if the bell ........................... (ring).

5. You ............................................ (study) in the university, if you ...........................

(graduate) from high school.


Sudarwati, Th. M and Grace, Eudia. 2007. Look Ahead 3 an English Course. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Soeprapto, F.X, and Darwis, Mariana. 2007. Linked to the World 3english for Senior High School. Bandung: Gravindo Media Pratama.


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